My goal is to try to blog daily, we'll see if I can keep up. Today I'm running on fumes, I tossed and turned all night but my precious alarm clock went off at 7 on the nose regardless of my tossing. I've learned that unless we have real plans...Emilie is the best alarm clock I could ask for!! I don't think she slept well either as she's been tired today too.
Despite my poor nights rest I laced up my Nike's and hit the pavement for my fourth walk in five days. I try to go daily, but Wednesday I was sore and on a short time frame so I skipped. I walked eight miles this week!! I'm hoping we keep it up over the weekend but its less likely. I felt much better after the walk, it was almost like I'd been able to enjoy a nice hot steaming cup of coffee. Its been nearly 21 months since my last full serving of a caffeinated beverage. First because of the pregnancy and currently because of breastfeeding. I am VERY proud to say we've nursed exclusively thus far and she is just two and a half weeks shy of her first birthday and time to start weaning. I definitely don't knock those who can't/don't breastfeed and use formula, but it wasn't the choice for my family and I'm very proud that we've done so well. It's not easy, not at all. It's a sacrifice but such an amazing gift to be able to provide her with that kind of nutrition and to have that one special thing that only I can do for her. She never took to a bottle well, but will take a sippy with "Mommy's milk" if necessary but she'd prefer to snuggle up to me and get it straight from the source. And I'm OK with that. Its an amazing journey I can't believe is almost over. We've been through it all: having trouble with her latch, engorgement, lumps, MASTITIS!!!, hating the bottle, pumping,over producing, you name it. But even with all of those things, I love the experience and wouldn't do much differently.
Back to our day! LOL. After our walk we hit Kroger to do our grocery shopping, with our list in hand we were in search of two weeks of meals on a budget. We succeeded! We got two weeks of groceries for $100 by utilizing what we already have at home and planning ahead. Now we will have to go back to the store next week to stock up on fresh fruit, yogurt, and milk...we go through those rather quickly and usually require a restock in between big trips. It's amazing to me how much we were spending when I wasn't menu planning. We ended up at the store several times a week and spending nearly twice what we should be. I try to cut coupons but I haven't been very disciplined lately...I plan to do better. OH...and no eating out!! I can cook for a fraction of the price of being lazy and heading to the McDonalds down the street so that's exactly what we'll do!
That's about it for our Friday! The rest of our day has been playing with Emilie and trying to get a few things done around the house. Tomorrow we hope to spend some time in the pool and just relax and enjoy some family time! Hoping for a better nights sleep and maybe a nap after pool time tomorrow :)