Ok, so my goal of posting daily didn't exactly happen last week...bummer! It's crazy how busy things can get when your chasing a baby around! She's going to walk any day now too, so I know that its only about to get worse.
One of the things I got the privilege of doing this week was make invitations for a friends little boy and his first birthday party. I had so much fun doing it and even though I'm definitely not a graphic designer they turned out pretty cute :) I attached it here for your viewing pleasure but I did make it a little more generic because I know he is just too precious and I don't need you hunting down my precious little man :D
Emilie had her first experience at the splash grounds on Friday and had a lot of fun, she was pretty nervous at first and didn't seem very interested but once the rest of the kiddos arrived (Mommy read the e-mail wrong and was early) she was all about it! I of course was soaking wet because she'd get wet and then want to be held, but it was a lot of fun. I wish I had pictures of her playing in the water but I couldn't hold her and snap photos. Saturday we went and did her first birthday photo shoot, it was HOT!!! but sooo much fun. We spent an hour and a half in the 104 degree Texas heat and we were all worn out and grumpy by the time it was over, but we had a blast. We had some trouble getting good smiles because on top of the heat (and lack of a good nap) she's getting her molars, but I THINK we got some great ones. We'll see in a few weeks!! EEEK sooo excited! Sunday we went to church and she went to the nursery again, she didn't do as well at all this week. She was screaming bloody murder until we got her moved to a different volunteer, she did finally settle down and we were able to enjoy the service. It was very hard for me not to go in and just scoop her up and get out of there but I know that its a good experience for her and she ended up doing just fine.
This week is going to be even busier than last, we have something planned every single day. I'm hoping the pain from her molars won't make her too grumpy and we can enjoy the last week before I have a one year old!! I can't believe how fast time flies!!!
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