The person who invented these GoGo's are first of all GENIUS and secondly...probably filthy rich! I cannot believe I am just now stumbling upon these, but I found then on an end cap in the main grocery section of Target (somewhere I need to avoid) and figured why not...she likes fruit...
Oh my...this child was IN LOVE!!! It was so cool, we were sitting in the floor together and I would give it a light squeeze and she'd pull away when she had enough and then come back for another squeeze a second later. She ate the entire thing and its a healthy snack!! The best part is they would be so easy to throw in the diaper bag and eat while we're out, which makes my day because I feel like our only easy snack choices on the go are usually cheerios or puffs and this is a much better option. I seriously wish I'd invented these!!
On a less random note, today was Kindermusik day. Em was a total ham!! She was giggling and yelling, dancing, you name it. She really enjoyed herself today. She was making herself heard at Target too...apparently had LOTS to say. Luckily she was doing it with a smile instead of throwing a fit so I just let her go. Yup...we were the obnoxious kid making noise in the store today, but she was having fun :) It's nap time so Mommy needs to get some things done and hopefully she'll wake up in time to get dinner out of the way early and go to story time at the Library. Happy Tuesday!!!
**OH!...I've been working on a project...I love projects! It's coming together, I need to switch some pieces around and then I'll show it off...but I'm proud of myself for thinking it up and then DOING IT! I'm trying to make it a practice to get things done that I think of...even if I just make one and give it as a gift...projects are good for me! Unfortunately I didn't find the right piece for it today and Em's patience had run maybe tomorrow we'll go out searching again and see if we can wrap this one up. I like how its turning out so much I've already bought a piece for the 3rd one, lol! Ok...I'll stop talking about it until they're finished, but I'm trying to make sure I'm doing the things I think up instead of keeping them swimming around in my head forever so I'm proud of myself for meeting this goal so far.
I saw those earlier when we shopped for baby things there. They were with the formula. Kinda high dollar. But a few wouldn't hurt to much.