Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Emilie times SEVEN

Today was a new experience for Emilie. We had a playdate at our house with six of Emilie's little friends. Including Em we had SEVEN babies between 13 and 22months old. It was wild. It was also a LOT of fun. The kids all played very nicely and enjoyed their snack of fruit and cookies. Everywhere we looked there was a baby, Mommy or TOY. Toys were strewn all over the house, but everyone played sooo well. No fighting over toys or really was nice. I think one of the best parts of the playdates is the Mommy time we get. I know we do playdates to socialize our kiddos but I think its equally important for us Mom's to socialize. I'm so thankful for the group of ladies I've met because of Emilie.

After our playdate I fed Emilie quickly and then we went to my Aunts for dinner. It was nice to sit and visit with my aunt and cousin. Emilie played so nicely over there, she really is a good little girl. Some days she gives me a run for my money but days like today she makes me incredibly proud. We stayed a little later than we usually would so we had to come home and get her straight to bed. We even skipped reading tonight which we NEVER do. When we were saying our prayers before I laid her down she was practically trying to climb out of my arms and into her crib, to say she was tired and ready for bed, is an understatement to be sure. I laid her down and said my goodnights and when I came in to turn on the monitor I could see that she hadn't even rolled over, she just fell asleep exactly as I left her and almost immediately. I enjoy days like today because she's worn out and ready for bed and I know she had fun, but I'm equally ready for a slower day in the very near future so we can rest up a bit.

Now if we can just stop having to Shout several outfits a day I would be happy. Luckily tomorrow is the final day of the antibiotics and we'll continue the probiotics until things are back to normal. I'm hopeful it won't be long. Poor little girl :(

OH!! I learned something this week. Emilie comprehends a LOT more than I gave her credit for. I'm not sure why I didn't think she understood as much as she does. She's really good about sitting on her bottom when told to in her favorite green chair or after a bath, but the other night she was grabbing things off her Daddy's nightstand and I finally just said (more to myself than her) "Emilie please put that back" and I about fell out of my chair when the little toot walked back into our bedroom and put it back! I was shocked!! So I'm trying to talk more to her and she's talking back. It amazes me how smart they can be!! I watched several little ones signing to their Mommies today and know we need to work on her signing more. She'll tell me she's done in her highchair but that's about the only one she consistently uses...She is starting to talk some though so either way we're getting somewhere slowly but surely when it comes to communication.

Alright. I'm beat! NIGHT!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mainly testing to see if it works! and, she'll talk when she's ready! Just like walking, you don't always want to rush it! LOL kr
