So Emilie is feeling MUCH better thanks to her antibiotic, but the side effect of runny poo is a little well...a little yucky. Poor baby girl was hanging out in her WHITE pj's this morning with her Daddy when I walked into the room and her, again WHITE pj's, were no longer white from her bottom to her knees!!! Can you say EWWWWWW!!! I said "babe, do you realize she has poop running down her legs??". LOL--nope...he had no clue. Unfortunately she's had 5 more of those diapers today which has taken a toll on her little bottom. We've started a course of pro-biotics and she eats yogurt really well, so hopefully that will help her little insides and I'm doctoring her bottom with a thick shmear of Aquaphor and then Desitin. I'm hoping that helps but the last time I had to change her before bed she was miserable being wiped and it broke my heart. I was told to let her roam diaper free as much as possible to get her little bottom some air...but...I HAVE CARPET!!!! So here's the dilemma, let her run free and chance a nice mess to clean up (again...EWWW) or let her suffer. I know what the answer is but I'm honestly gun shy. Which I can't really understand because I have dogs. Heck, I fostered dogs and more than a few have pooped on the floor (different house though) and we even have the little steam machine to clean messes up. But I still couldn't make myself undo her little diaper tonight. A friend told me to "contain her to a blanket to play on or something" and then we both laughed knowing that my busy bee is not containable, lol!
**And how ridiculous is it that I'm sitting her giggling to myself about the double meaning in the phrase gun shy for this use, I think Mommy brain has kicked in for the night and I'm left with as much maturity as a teenager**
Other than lots of diapers we've had a really nice day hanging out at home together. She has been in the cutest mood and played so nicely all day. She did lots of independent play with her books and climbing in and out of her chair. I've slightly given up that battle. I taught her how to get down and if asked to sit on her bottom she usually does. I realize that she will eventually fall out of it and have to pray that she bounces when she does, but she's a toddler now and she's learning new skills and I have to let her practice them. I do watch her carefully and ask her to sit if she's getting too crazy, but several times today she just crawled up in it to sit and talk to a toy--super cute!! Not only was she super cute with me today, but she was really loving on her Abbey. She definitely prefers Abbey over Mac (she is so my kid!)and today after sharing a snack with me she took her last two bites and walked them over to feed Abbey. Abbey was a little confused and looked at me for an okay and then sweetly let Emilie feed her. It was cute. I'll attach a picture of the exchange but please forgive how Emilie looks. I gave up on pants after she pooped through two pairs and it was just a stay home and comfy kind of day.
And just in case you were wondering...yes...we're still nursing ;) We did drop another feeding this week so we're down to morning and night. I feel good about it because she's adjusted very well to losing her mid-day nurse, but when I ask her if she's ready at night she's practically freaking out with joy so I know she misses it a little.
Ok it's past my bedtime!! Gotta rest up so I can keep up tomorrow :)

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