Thursday, August 18, 2011

Was worried about Poop...what about the pee??

Well, I decided to let her run naked after her bath this morning since we have tile in the master. She ran around like she was FREE!!! She was loving it. I was getting ready for the day and standing at the sink when she walked up and basically straddled my foot and let go. She peed a HUGE puddle and I felt every last drop!! I was shocked at how much could come out of such a little body, but she had two cups of juice already at that point. When I looked down and told her what she had just done she smiled up at me with the biggest most rotten grin...I think she knew exactly what she was doing!

Unfortunately even with her nakey time her little bottom is still really bothering her. I went ahead and started a new course of butt treatment--Maalox. I still think this is crazy but have been told it works and works within about 24 hours. I used a cotton ball and smeared it on and then topped it with aquaphor (which I had to buy more of today...that stuff is EXPENSIVE!!!). I'm really hoping she gets some relief quickly, but I suppose she'd have to stop having liquid poo for that to happen too and today I changed eight of those diapers. Luckily she's drinking a ton of fluids so I'm praying we wont have issues with her dehydrating.

Otherwise she was a happy girl today, lots of love and kisses. She was a hold me baby this evening but I never mind those nights. We did some grocery shopping this morning and I had her dressed in a cute little red Minnie Mouse shirt and khaki shorts and several times at the store people approached me about my cute little boy. UGH!!! I just smiled and nodded, no point in correcting people who I'll never see again, but it drives me crazy. I guess it doesn't help that the child has less hair than most newborns! She might have enough hair to look like a girl by the time she's ten,lol!

Well I just read through a small portion of this and realize that my already poor writing style is worse when I'm tired. Its past my bedtime!!!

Night ya'll!

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