Friday, January 18, 2013

What are little boys made of??

When I was pregnant with Emilie the theme of most people's comments centered around how much life will change. This time I suppose that is evident. This pregnancy the theme is something like:

- I hope your ready for a boy!

- Boys are completely different that little girls

- You're in for trouble having a boy...

Not the most reassuring comments to someone who NEVER dreamed that God would give her a boy. I'm seriously, I honestly never saw it, if I was dreaming/thinking of our future I only saw girls. There was a time I saw THREE little girls in my daydreams, thankfully the hysterectomy will keep that from coming a reality, three anything is too much for us, lol! But a boy?! I was NOT prepared for that. And while we've known it was a boy for around 15 weeks now, I've still not really come to terms with it. So I went looking for what exactly having a little boy might be like...

So...this means...

He will basically be loud and dirty. Awesome!! But did you see part of that third sign??? SLEEPS SOUNDLY!!! Maybe this baby will SLEEP!!! That was our biggest struggle with Emilie. She was also barely felt in utero, I didn't feel her very often and they wanted to me to do kick counts frequently because her fluids were was so hard to get counts on a baby that barely moved. Landon on the other hand moves all.the.time! He literally beats me up on a frequent basis. So since they are very different in utero (other than my instincts tell me he's also breech-- we'll find out about that on Monday) hopefully their sleeping patterns will be totally different and he will just be the wonderful sleeper my little girl never was. Here's hoping!

Also here's hoping that I can figure out all this boy stuff and keep up with my little man. Dirt, bugs, cars...ooooh my.

1 comment:

  1. the sign that I have is "mothers of little boys work from son up to son down" :) You can do this! It's actually so much better than a girl, so much more fun! Cars! Dinosaours! Power Rangers! None of those frilly little dolls or faux tea parties. None of the hair drama, makeup or periods!!!
    I'm a little bit biased...
